My Passion

I love being around horses. I’ve been horseback riding since I was 5. Even though Ive been riding for seven years, I am still working on improving my riding skills. Some of those skills are pushing down on my heels, two pointing , and keeping my hands quiet. Putting heels down is one of the hardest things because it requires so much stretching. The two point position requires a lot of balance. When I’m concentrating on so many other things, it’s hard to keep my hands from moving around.

Thomas Paal via Compfight                                                                                                                                                 Poetry In Motion - Isabel and CassandroThe horses I ride can also make riding harder. Horses can have many personalities, just like people. Some horses can be stubborn, sassy, or calm. These personalities can effect my riding experience. The horse might feel lazy and does not want to go or jump. Sometimes they’re hyper, don’t listen, and go faster then you want them to. The hardest part of riding is getting to know the horses and their moods.

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